yesterday wasn't one of the best days here at the mack house...
before we knew it milly had grown taller than we'd realized and i found out the hard way yesterday when she was supposed to be taking a nap.... let me explain. she was fussy when i put her down for her second nap, which isn't unusual, she usually just fusses or talks herself to sleep, no big deal. well yesterday went a little different: i heard her fussing and then a huge thump and then about 2 seconds later....screaming. ran to her room and sure enough she was balled up on the floor. i've had to stop myself from thinking about all the "what if's" and just be ever so thankful that she didn't really hurt herself. we thought we were doing pretty good and enjoyed some sunshine and grass for a little while before dinner but bath time proved to be tough too. the good can only last for soo long. bath time came a little early since she never did get that second nap. it was like slow motion - she stood up and slowly slipped to the side bumping her head on the edge of the tub on her way down. as fast as i could i grabbed her out of the bath, gave her some loves and decided it was time for bed. once again we were lucky and she made it out with just a bump on her head that was gone by morning. poor girl, i'm hoping she got all her falls and bumps out of the way yesterday, at least for a little bit.... 
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