i've been meaning to post pictures from last weekend (we have sooo many) for a couple days now, where does the time go? here's part one of joey's birthday weekend. we wanted to take full advantage of his time off so we started off with a trip to the aquarium and a hike. it's so fun watching milly experience things for the first time....and then she got really tired of looking at fish and fell fast asleep! i love her little silhouette in the second set of pictures. she was amazed and so alert looking at all the fish, it's so fun watching her watch the world around her.

below are a bunch of pictures from our hike. once again, we wore that little girl out and she crashed in the middle of the hike, completely missing the falls. but isn't she just adorable? hanging onto my side while she sleeps, makes my heart melt! she crashed again on the car ride home and no, i can't get enough of her!
I love looking at your little family. Keep it up!!