^ flying into kalispell, we lucked out and got the whole row to ourselves!

^ playing with grandma and grandpa at grandpa's office while mom got xrays taken.

^ getting a root canal!
later, after posting this pic on instagram i realized there's a booger in my left nostril....so there's that......

^ shopping in whitefish and later having some of the world's best shortbread cookies.

^ playing in grandma and grandpa's hot tub/creek.

^ you can't go to kalispell without a stop to the best burger joint in all the land... FRUGALS!

^ grandpa took us fishing one day and milly was more into the little blue chair that she could get in and out of all by herself. the fish totally freaked her out and she was more determined to set the worms free rather than use them as bait. i think she had fun though!

^ riding big girl bikes.

^ having a campfire and smore's with uncle zach....he can be kinda scary and loud, haha!
(we still love him though)
^ keeping uncle skylar entertained/awake during church.
^ she fell asleep about five minutes before we landed in seattle. that girl was tired from all the fun she had exploring grandma and grandpa's house. so much exploring to do and i'm pretty sure she really liked the idea of having an actual yard to run around in. thanks grandma and grandpa!