Friday, February 28, 2014


a couple weeks ago, after sending out an s.o.s. for something sweet with frosting, mr. joey mack came home with cupcakes for the little miss and i...he's such a good man! this was milly's first cupcake experience and right away i could tell she was definitely my little girl. nothing was gonna get in between her and those cupcakes, i loved it!!! that's my girl!

 ^ pure bliss....

goodbye february, helloooooo march!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

holy moly! valentines day!

well, i didn't originally plan to take a week (and then some) off from blogging....
but what can ya do?! so... valentine's day: joey was going to work from home on friday so milly and i decided to surprise him at work the day before with treats for him and his co-workers. milly and i, however, got the better surprise when joey left work early with us after delivering the goodies. it was a good way to start the holiday weekend! we ate cookies, had pink pancakes, gave lots of loves to each other and, of course, had lunch at chipotle.... we have an addiction.... just talking about it makes me want to go get some, right now!

^ valentine's day treats...
 ^ waiting for joey at amazon....
 ^ pink pancakes and whipped cream!!! 
i like the last picture because it's like she just realized i cut her pancakes and she's like "what the crap, mom?!"
 ^ two days after valentine's day in 2006 joey popped the big question, so this month is extra special to me/us. 
best thing he's ever done if ya ask me... ;)

*joey and i were able to have our own little date night, saturday night. thanks to ashley, for babysitting! 
it was nice having some adult conversation over a nice dinner out and some fro-yo!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

the library, family time and snow, oh my!

this last weekend was so cold! we became desperate on saturday and went to the closest mall to roam around and kill some time. lucky for us, there was some sort of chinese new year celebration that held our attention all of 7 minutes and then we roamed some stores. after the mall we headed over to chipotle (for the second time in one week) for lunch before heading back home. it was good getting out of the house, even if we were hanging out at the mall. why does it have to be sooo cold? living in southern california always sounds really nice to us this time of year.... sure enough, the cold brought the snow on sunday. you'd think growing up in montana i'd miss the snow, which i kinda do and then we have it for a day and i'm like "yup, that was enough, thanks!" and that's about how long we get it for, one day.

^ on friday, joey worked from home so he came with us on our weekly library trip to pick up books and roam around. i love these pictures! we timed them perfectly without even planning it, we are awesome!

^ milly doesn't know what to think...
 ^ disney store - joey always promise to buy her whatever she wants, all she has to do is grab something and it's hers! she ends up picking out nothing, nothing! she needs to take advantage of this!
^ chipotle for the second time in one week....
 ^ just the right amount of snow!
 ^ naps... i decided i don't have enough pictures of milly sleeping so i started taking my phone in there during nap time... so precious, she's getting so big!

Friday, February 7, 2014


thank goodness it's friday, am i right or am i right?! things are going good and we haven't had any huge meltdowns so that's a plus! phew! we're headed out to the library to pick up even more books and do some exploring, only this time dads coming with us so it's gonna be even more fun! it may or may not snow tomorrow but either way I think we should have a hot chocolate date...did you know some of the best hot chocolate comes from gas stations?! it's oh so rich and creamy and you can add flavored creamer to it, which makes it that much healthier, yum!

ps i wrote this post all from my phone, that is neat! 

have a happy friday!!!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

some days...

some days aren't as good as others...some days i don't feel like the best mom, i don't feel like i'm doing this whole mom thing right. today was one of those days. it was tough, to say the least. milly was cranky and there was absolutely nothing i could do. i was frustrated, which made me cranky, which also made me cry. we were quite the sight, both crying, just staring at each other, trying to figure out what to do... after an hour and a half of screaming, crying, throwing things and then finally being nursed for the third time, she fell asleep. she napped while i took my own 'time out' and read; tried to relax a bit and tell myself that it's all going to be ok. when she woke up, we were both in better places and we made our peace by sharing a churro at costco... that little treat made us feel a whole lot better (i actually can't speak for her but i'm just gonna assume she was feeling better and liked me again since she ate half the thing). i look at these pictures from costco earlier today and it's hard to stay frustrated for very long. she makes me want to be a better mom everyday.
oh miss milly, i really hope i'm not failing you! love you, little one!
^ all smiles right before dinner, tomorrow will be better.

Monday, February 3, 2014

happy monday!!!

hope everyone had an amazing weekend! we sure did, couldn't get any better when the seahawks destroyed, literally destroyed, the broncos yesterday! am i right or am i right?! weeeeee!!! (and yes, i will admit, i don't own any seahawks gear and am a total bandwagon least i can admit it, right?)

anyways, it's already february, the month of love! we're already into the second month of the year and it's going by so fast! i think i've been doing ok with my goals for the year. it's funny, as the days go by i keep thinking of other aspects of my life i want to improve this year and then at the same time i'm like "whoooa whitney, slow down there girl!" (kinda like how you would talk to a horse..what?) i don't want to get overwhelmed and i do want to stay on top of things, sooooo we'll see how things go and maybe add some new goals as the year progresses. so how about it? how are everyone's new years resolutions going? milly and i have taken full advantage of the library here in redmond, which is walking distance from our apartment. i love it! it's a smaller library branch and because of that, i've had to put all the books i want to read on hold hoping they would become available in a timely manner. well....they've definitely become available...
^ i have to read all these books in about a months time. since they're on hold i can't renew them online because someone else is waiting for them to become available. i will say i've finished the jodi picolt book, it was ok but definitely not my favorite of hers. i tried to read the interestings by meg wolitzer and after about 10 pages in i just knew i wasn't going to like rubbed me the wrong way, so now i'm onto the giver. i remember being told to read it in high school and have no relocation of ever doing that and since it's gonna be a movie this year i really want to get it read before it comes out! phew! so far so good! (fyi: i'm trying to read a lot of books from this list, which are all quite popular, hence the holds.) 

as far as my book goal is concerned, i'm right on track. i {barely} finished two books in january, which is more than i was planning. the other book i read was j.k. rowlings adult novel casual vacancy...not my favorite and kinda depressing. i'm hoping to read the books above before i have to take them back to the library and if i do, i will be way ahead of my goal of a book and a half a month! 
^ milly likes the library too...

books have taken over my life but i did have some other goals, right? i did have other things i wanted to accomplish, didn't i...? of course i did!!!! because i have so many books to read, i have watched way less tv and i love how i feel less like a drone. i do have my guilty pleasure: the kardashians, that i like to watch sunday nights, haha! i will never give that up! (should i be admitting that to the world...?) next up: running. it's going slow but steady... i think that's a good way to say it. i have been watching what i eat (minus yesterday) and trying to get out more but after i go on a really good run my right knee kills me for about two days... not really sure what that's about and i'm hoping to just push through it but then i think that might be we shall see. i have a month before my 15k and i might want to get it figured out before then. also, your welcome, milly! your dad and i have crappy knees so you probably will too, along with horrible vision! ;)

lastly, i've been pinning more and more ideas on pinterest for crocheting and found a book on amazon i want to buy. i have never crotchet anything in my life so i'm pretty excited to get started but probably won't be able to until i have my four books read (remember, books have taken over my life?) i also found this!!! i want to make it soooo bad for milly so i better get really good, really fast! i only have 11 months!!!

with one month down in 2014 i'm happy with where i'm at. goals are going good! i need to remind myself that i don't have to have them all done right this instant. they're yearly goals for a reason, as in i have the whole year to complete them. ;)

speaking about them seahawks?! (was that a weird transition?) we made way to much food and then we ate way too much food with the help of my good friend ashley. milly was also a good sport and didn't try to pull down the tv too many times during the game thanks to some sensory activities and nap time! we also managed to watch part of the puppy bowl! because you can't call it super bowl sunday without watching some puppies...?
^ giggles after our victory

^ beast mode...SOLD OUT! we did, however, manage to find some and proceeded to eat them for good luck!
^ this photo was just taken at church and i love it so much so i thought i'd add it, because who doesn't like looking at photos of babies sleeping? especially when it's your own baby!? 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

happy saturday

why is this so fun?

hope everyone's having a wonderful weekend!
i'm hoping to get a good run in today and hopefully our taxes done! 
(not sure if we have all the necessary paperwork but i'm hoping to get them done sooner rather then later)
then sunday we're gonna watch the superbowl and cheer on our seahawks, woohoo!!!
monday i'll report on how i'm doing with my new year goals, how are you doing with yours?
happy february y'all!