Thursday, January 30, 2014

auntie jenn

aunt jenn came to town for a very {very} short visit. we made the most of it and loved having her here. hopefully we'll get to see more of her in the future! 
 ^ we tried getting a normal picture of the two of them....
 ^ you can tell, milly just wasn't feeling it.
 ^ went on a sushi date...
 ^ ...and once again milly was either too cool or just sick of getting her photo taken. ugh paparazzi!
^ photos stolen from jenn's instagram account: @jennmmack
until next time aunt jenn!

Friday, January 24, 2014

just a few more photos....

here are just a few more photos from katrina's stay back in october. if you remember, we went to the chihuly garden and glass museum and she took some awesome photos of the little peanut and i in their beautiful great room, or whatever you want to call it....the party room? she also took some family photos at the pumpkin patch and was so professional when telling us to knock it off and focus because we wouldn't stop goofing around. thanks again for the amazing photos, ms. katrina, we heart your face!!!!! (we should totally hang out...)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

the one and only cheerio!

^ at first it started out simple enough, just havin' a snack with mom...
^ "oh, i'll help myself, thank you...."
^ and then things got a little crazy....
^ and then she was like "i'm out!!!"

Monday, January 20, 2014


we had a pretty good weekend! saturday, i was able to catch up with one of my very good friends from art school who i haven't seen since milly was born, literally! the last time i saw her was when she came to visit us in the hospital! it had been way too long, lets get together again, miss leah, and soon!!! 

later that night joey and i had an excuse to get all gussied up and head out on the town. we went to his post holiday company party and i was determined to stay for the band: vampire weekend! last year we skipped out early because i was too pregnant and tired to stay past 10 and we heard we missed out. so this year we stayed, and although we didn't stay for their whole set (my feet were killing me) it was still pretty awesome and fun. technically this was the first "concert" joey and i had ever been to together. we were about three rows back from the stage; i took a photo after we had made our way to the back of the venue to show just how close we were! i need to say a huge thank you to my girl ashley for babysitting for us so we could have a date night and interact with other adults for a couple hours. i love you! (she did our dishes as well as kept our baby alive while we were gone, best babysitter ever! not to mention took our prom-inspired-posed-photo below...)
it was a good night until we had to wake up the next morning...we were both exhausted during church. 

lastly, this little girl turned 10 months old this weekend, she's in the double digits and i still can't believe it. i keep looking back at photos of when she was oh so tiny and i can't believe how much she's grown in the last 10 months. i love you little miss.... you and all your curiosity!

Friday, January 17, 2014

bath time

while katrina was here she captured some photos of bath time. something we do every night and sometimes it seems like such a chore when milly's fussy or tired and i'm exhausted but i'm so glad she captured this sometimes mundane task. it helps remind me to take a step back and enjoy the little things, it helps me remember that before i know it, milly won't need my help during bath time (she's already outgrown her little bathtub we put in the sink) and i need to enjoy it while she's still little. we now take baths in the 'big girl' tub and she's constantly on the go, crawling from one end to the other and up the sides, chewing on toys and exploring the faucet. i always say it: she's growing up too fast, so a big thank you to katrina for capturing my everyday with little miss milly!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


over the holiday break we took milly to ride the carousel at redmond town center. she got a little nervous halfway through so i ended up just holding her but it was fun all the same. after looking at these pictures maybe it was sensory overload with all the lights and sounds that made her nervous...!

Monday, January 13, 2014


a couple days before christmas, we woke up to snow!
we tried to enjoy as much of it as possible before it all melted away later that day...